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[OCG] RIRA posté le [14/03/2019] à 07:18

On a déja pas mla de carte de la nouvelle extension qui va arriver en OCG, mais étonnement personne ne les à posté, je le fais donc^^


Witchcraft Golem Arles

Level 8 LIGHT Spellcaster Effect Monster

ATK 2800


You can use the (1)st effect with this card’s name only once per turn.

(1) When a Spellcaster monster(s) you control is targeted by an opponent’s card effect, or targeted for an attack by an opponent’s monster, while this card is in your hand (Quick Effect): You can target either 1 card your opponent controls or 1 “Witchcraft” Spell in your GY; Special Summon this card, and if you do, return the targeted card to the hand.

(2) Once per turn, during your opponent’s Standby Phase: Return this card to the hand.

RIRA-JP001 Rescue Interlacer

Level 3 LIGHT Cyberse Effect Monster

ATK 1000

DEF 1200

You can only use the 1st effect of this card’s name once per turn:

(1) During damage calculation when a Cyberse monster you control is attacked: You can discard this card; damage you take from that battle becomes 0.

(2) During the End Phase of a turn in which this card is discarded to the GY because of its own effect: Special Summon this card.

RIRA-JP002 Cross Debugger (4KMedia: Cross Debug)

Level 2 DARK Cyberse Effect Monster

ATK 900

DEF 600

You can only use each effect of this card’s name once per turn.

(1) If you control 2 or more Link monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand.

(2) When your and your opponent’s Link Monsters battle, during damage calculation: You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 Link Monster in your GY; until the end of the turn, your battling monster gains ATK equal to the target monster’s ATK, and cannot be destroyed by that battle.

RIRA-JP005 DMZ Dragon

Level 4 DARK Dragon Effect Monster


DEF 2000

(1) Once per turn: You can target 1 Dragon monster you control and 1 Level 4 or lower Dragon monster in your GY; equip the monster in the GY to the monster on the field as an Equip Card that makes the equipped monster gain 500 ATK.

(2) When your monster equipped with an Equip Card attacks, at the end of the Damage Step: You can banish this card from the GY; destroy all of that monster’s Equip Cards, and if any are destroyed, that monster can attack once again in a row.

RIRA-JP039 Varreload Xcharge Dragon (Borreload xCharge Dragon)

Rank 4 DARK Dragon Xyz Effect Monster

ATK 3000

DEF 2500

Materials: 2 Level 4 DARK Dragon monsters

(1) This Xyz Summoned card cannot be targeted by the effects of other monsters.

(2) Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz material from this card, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; that monster lose 600 ATK and DEF, Then, you can Special Summon 1 “Borrel” monster from your GY, but the monster Special Summoned by this effect is banished during the End Phase. After activating this effect, For the rest of this turn, you cannot Special Summon monsters or attack directly.

RIRA-JP051 Link Back

Normal Spell Card

You can only activate a card with this card’s name once per turn.

(1) Target 1 Link Monster you control in an Extra Monster Zone; move that monster to your Main Monster Zone that monster points to. Afterwards, you can send cards from the top of your Deck to the GY equal to that monster’s Link Rating.

RIRA-JP052 Grid Rod

Equip Spell Card

Can only be equipped to a Cyberse monster you control.

(1) The equipped monster gains 300 ATK, is unaffected by your opponent’s effects, and once per turn cannot be destroyed by battle.

(2) If this face-up card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: You can activate this effect; until the end of the turn, all Cyberse monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle or effect.

RIRA-JP067 Draw Discharge

Normal Trap Card

You can only activate a card with this card’s name once per turn.

(1) When your opponent draws a card due to your opponent’s effect: Your opponent reveals all the cards they drew. If there was a Monster Card(s) among them, inflict damage to your opponent equal to their total ATK, then banish all of the revealed cards.

RIRA-JP033 縄張恐竜 Beat Raptor

Level 4 EARTH Dinosaur Effect Monster

ATK 1400

DEF 2000

You can only use this card name’s (2) effect once per turn.

(1) While this card is in the Main Monster Zone, negate the effects of all monsters in the Extra Monster Zones.

(2) When this card is destroyed by battle: You can Special Summon 1 “Beat Raptor” from your Deck.

RIRA-JP053 Rising of Fire (4KMedia: Rising Fire)

Equip Spell Card

(This card is always treated as a “Salamangreat” card.)

You can only use this card name’s (1) and (2) effects once per turn each.

(1) If you control no monsters: Activate this card by targeting 1 FIRE monster in your GY; Special Summon that monster, and if you do, equip this card to it. It gains 500 ATK. When this card leaves the field, destroy that monster.

(2) If this card is destroyed by an opponent’s card card effect: You can banish 1 monster on the field.

RIRA-JP003 Marincess Seahorse

Level 3 WATER Cyberse Effect Monster

ATK 1400

DEF 1000

You can only Special Summon 1 card with this card’s name with the way written in its (1) effect per turn. You can only use this card name’s (2) effect once per turn.

(1) You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) to your zone a “Marincess” monster you control points to.

(2) During your Main Phase, except during the turn this card was sent to the GY: You can banish this card from your GY; Special Summon 1 WATER monster from your hand to a Monster Zone a “Marincess” monster you control points to.

RIRA-JP004 Marincess Seastar

Level 2 WATER Cyberse Effect Monster

ATK 800

DEF 400

You can only use this card name’s effect up to twice per turn.

(1) You can send this card from your hand to the GY, then target 1 “Marinecess” monster you control; it gains 800 ATK until the end of this turn.

RIRA-JP040 Marincess Blue Slug

Link 1 WATER Cyberse Link Effect Monster

ATK 1500

Link: Bottom

Material: 1 Level 4 or lower “Marincess” monster

You can only Link Summon “Marincess Blue Slug” once per turn.

(1) If this card is Link Summoned: You can target 1 “Marincess” monster in your GY, except “Marincess Blue Slug”; add it to your hand, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except WATER monsters.

RIRA-JP041 Marincess Coral Anemone

Link 2 WATER Cyberse Link Effect Monster

ATK 2000

Links: Left, Bottom

Materials: 2 WATER monsters

You can only use this card name’s (1) and (2) effects once per turn each.

(1) You can target 1 WATER monster with 1500 or less ATK in your GY; Special Summon it to your zone this card points to, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except WATER monsters.

(2) If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can target 1 “Marincess” card in your GY, except “Marincess Coral Anemone”; add it to your hand.

RIRA-JP042 Marincess Marbled Rock

Link 3 WATER Cybese Link Effect Monster

ATK 2500

Links: Left, Right, Bottom

Materials: 2+ WATER monsters

You can only use this card name’s (1) effect once per turn.

(1) You can target 1 “Marincess” card in your GY, except “Marincess Marbled Rock”; add it to your hand.

(2) When an opponent’s monster declares an attack: You can send 1 “Marincess” monster from your hand to the GY; monsters cannot be destroyed by that battle, also you take no battle damage from that battle.

RIRA-JP068 Marinecess Wave

Normal Trap Card

If you control a Link-3 or higher “Marinecess” monster, you can activate this card from your hand.

(1) If you control a “Marinecess” Link Monster: Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; negate that monster’s effects until the end of this turn. In addition, if you control a Link-2 or higher “Marinecess” monster, all face-up monsters you control become unaffected by your opponent’s card effects until the end of this turn.

RIRA-JP069 Marincess Current

Normal Trap Card

You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn.

If you control a Link-3 or higher “Marincess” monster, you can activate this card from your hand.

(1) When a “Marincess” Link Monster you control destroys an opponent’s monster by battle: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to 400 x that monster you control’s Link Rating. In addition, if you control a Link-2 or higher “Marincess” monster and the opponent’s monster that was destroyed was a Link Monster, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster’s Link Rating x 500.

Déja du support pour Witchcraft, le new Ace monster de Revolver, les première Marincess, qui arrivent à faire (comme dans l'animé) un link 3 à partir d'une seule carte, et qui ont des hand trap qui negate les effet et protège nos monstre ou qui inflige de bon dégâts…c'est fort, et du support Cyberse et Salamangreat, bref que du bon^^

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Messages : 546

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[OCG] RIRA posté le [14/03/2019] à 10:42

Je suis pas fan du nouvel archétype de Blue Maiden et j’espérais qu'on aurait plutôt le deck de Lightning ou de Specter adapté mais bon tant pis.

Messages : 373

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[OCG] RIRA posté le [14/03/2019] à 11:02

Et encore une version de Borreload… Encore la fusion et la pendule et on aura eu la totale…

Messages : 4915

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[OCG] RIRA posté le [14/03/2019] à 11:11

Bah, c'est normal que le héros de la série ait son monstre sous toutes les formes d'invocations possible.

… on me dit dans l'oreillette qu'il n'est… bah, ça reste normal.

Messages : 155

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[OCG] RIRA posté le [14/03/2019] à 11:14

Citation de Virsago Le [14/03/2019] à 07:18

On a déja pas mla de carte de la nouvelle extension qui va arriver en OCG, mais étonnement personne ne les à posté, je le fais donc^^


Witchcraft Golem Arles

Level 8 LIGHT Spellcaster Effect Monster

ATK 2800


You can use the (1)st effect with this card’s name only once per turn.

(1) When a Spellcaster monster(s) you control is targeted by an opponent’s card effect, or targeted for an attack by an opponent’s monster, while this card is in your hand (Quick Effect): You can target either 1 card your opponent controls or 1 “Witchcraft” Spell in your GY; Special Summon this card, and if you do, return the targeted card to the hand.

(2) Once per turn, during your opponent’s Standby Phase: Return this card to the hand.

J'apprécie le fait qu'elle soit jouable aussi dans d'autres deck magiciens (coucou Dark Magician et Altergeist).

On tiens notre nouveau Kirin non ? Qu'en pensez-vous ?

Messages : 3622

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[OCG] RIRA posté le [14/03/2019] à 11:26

Moins pas ouf pour l'instant (en tout cas pour les decks que je joue). En tout cas merci du partage!

Si Kadoc il surveille bien, il aura des p’tits cubes de fromage.

Messages : 155

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[OCG] RIRA posté le [14/03/2019] à 11:30

Citation de Virsago Le [14/03/2019] à 07:18

RIRA-JP033 縄張恐竜 Beat Raptor

Level 4 EARTH Dinosaur Effect Monster

ATK 1400

DEF 2000

You can only use this card name’s (2) effect once per turn.

(1) While this card is in the Main Monster Zone, negate the effects of all monsters in the Extra Monster Zones.

(2) When this card is destroyed by battle: You can Special Summon 1 “Beat Raptor” from your Deck.

Je trouve aussi que cette carte dino mérite une certaine attention.

A elle seule elle peut ennuyer un deck Sky Striker, ou un deck basé sur Summon Sorceress ou Saryuja…

Le seul problème je trouve, c'est qu'à elle seule elle n'initie aucune combo, donc elle peut faire brick notre main… Mais invoqué grâce à un Bébécérasaure par exemple, ça peut faire mal !

Et pour vous ? Jouable ? Pas jouable ?

Messages : 512

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[OCG] RIRA posté le [14/03/2019] à 11:44

Citation de Davimithryl Le [14/03/2019] à 11:30

Spoiler :

Citation de Virsago Le [14/03/2019] à 07:18

RIRA-JP033 縄張恐竜 Beat Raptor

Level 4 EARTH Dinosaur Effect Monster

ATK 1400

DEF 2000

You can only use this card name’s (2) effect once per turn.

(1) While this card is in the Main Monster Zone, negate the effects of all monsters in the Extra Monster Zones.

(2) When this card is destroyed by battle: You can Special Summon 1 “Beat Raptor” from your Deck.

Je trouve aussi que cette carte dino mérite une certaine attention.

A elle seule elle peut ennuyer un deck Sky Striker, ou un deck basé sur Summon Sorceress ou Saryuja…

Le seul problème je trouve, c'est qu'à elle seule elle n'initie aucune combo, donc elle peut faire brick notre main… Mais invoqué grâce à un Bébécérasaure par exemple, ça peut faire mal !

Et pour vous ? Jouable ? Pas jouable ?

Un Sky Striker te fera un Afterburner ou Anchor pour ensuite jouer.

Après c'est vrai qu'elle peut-être embêtante si tu as pas de quoi la dégager par un effet.

A tester. mais elle a du potentiel à mon avis!

Messages : 546

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[OCG] RIRA posté le [14/03/2019] à 14:05

[RIRA] Fortune Vision

RIRA-JP055 フォーチュン・ヴィジョン Fortune Vision

Continuous Spell Card

You can only activate a card with this card’s name once per turn.

(1) When this card is activated: You can add 1 “Fortune Lady” card from your Deck to your hand.

(2) Once per turn, if a card you control is banished by an effect: You can activate this effect; during this turn, monsters you control cannot be destroyed by effects.

(3) Once per turn, if a card your opponent controls is banished by an effect: You can activate this effect; once during this turn, you take no damage from battle.

Formation Feu – Tenki pour les Fortune Lady, avec l'autre carte annoncé pour le Collector Pack 2019 c'est franchement sympa 😀

Continuez Konami ^^

Messages : 1245

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[OCG] RIRA posté le [15/03/2019] à 19:54

petite fournée d'un nouvel archétype plutot sympa je dois dire, avec de bonnes options pour un deck plutôt fun. (je vous ai mis les note pour que vous compreniez le lore derrière les nom de carte)

RIRA-JP012 Ten’iryuu – Adhara (Tianwei Dragon – Adhara)

Level 1 EARTH Wyrm Tuner Effect Monster



You can only use the (1) and (2) effects of this card’s name once per turn each.

(1) If you control no Effect Monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand.

(2) If you control a non-Effect Monster: You can banish this card from your hand or GY, then target 1 of your banished Wyrm monsters, except this card; add it to your hand.

Note: This card’s name is a reference to Muladhara, the Chakra at the base of the spine that represents Earth, and is the foundation of one’s energy body. And is related to you know, the human buttocks and all the fun stuff related to that.

RIRA-JP013 Ten’iryuu – Sh’taana (Tianwei Dragon – Sthana)

Level 4 WATER Wyrm Effect Monster

ATK 400

DEF 2000

You can only use the (1) and (2) effects of this card’s name once per turn each.

(1) If you control no Effect Monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand.

(2) If a non-Effect Monster(s) you control is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can banish this card from your hand or GY, then target 1 of those destroyed monsters; Special Summon it, then you can destroy 1 monster your opponent controls.

Note: This card’s name references Svadhishthana, the second bottom most Chakra, associated with taste and reproduction and the element of water. It is located in the Tail Bone roughly.

RIRA-JP014 Ten’iryuu – Manira (Tianwei Dragon – Manira)

Level 4 FIRE Wyrm Effect Monster

ATK 600

DEF 1500

You can only use the (1) and (2) effects of this card’s name once per turn each.

(1) If you control no Effect Monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand.

(2) When your opponent activates a card or effect that targets a non-Effect Monster(s) you control (Quick Effect): You can banish this card from your hand or GY; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card.

Note: This card’s name references the Manipura Chakra, located behind the Navel/Solar Plexus. It is associated with energy, digestion, sight and movement. It is naturally, a Chakra elementally associated with fire.

RIRA-JP015 Ten’iryuu – Nahata (Tianwei Dragon – Nahata)

Level 4 WIND Wyrm Effect Monster

ATK 800

DEF 1000

You can only use the (1) and (2) effects of this card’s name once per turn each.

(1) If you control no Effect Monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand.

(2) When an attack is declared involving your non-Effect Monster and an opponent’s face-up monster: You can banish this card from your hand or GY; that opponent’s monster loses 1500 ATK until the end of this turn.

Note: This card is named after Anahata, the Chakra associated with the Heart, and Wind. It’s very much associated with the hands and endocrine system.

RIRA-JP016 Ten’iryuu – Vishudda (Tianwei Dragon – Vishudda)

Level 7 DARK Wyrm Effect Monster

ATK 1500

DEF 2500

You can only use the (1) and (2) effects of this card’s name once per turn each.

(1) If you control no Effect Monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand.

(2) If you control a non-Effect Monster: You can banish this card from your hand or GY, then target 1 card your opponent controls; return it to the hand.

Note: This card’s name is derived from the Vishuddha chakra, the Chakra located at the throat, and is associated with purification and the element of Akasha, i.e. Space/Aether or what is sometimes void. The likely point of this card being DARK is that when this chakra is closed, or mishandled, it leads to decay, death, and corruption.

RIRA-JP043 Ten’i no Kensou (Tianwei Barefisted Monk)

Link 1 EARTH Wyrm Link Monster

ATK 1000

Link: Bottom

Material: 1 non-Link “Tianwei” monster

RIRA-JP044 Ten’i no Ryuusennyo (Tianwei Dragon Sage)

Link 2 FIRE Wyrm Link Effect Monster

ATK 1600

Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right

Materials: 2 Wyrm Monsters

You can only use the (1) and (2) effects of this card’s name once per turn each.

(1) You can discard 1 card, then target 1 Wyrm monster in your GY; Special Summon it, but for the rest of this turn, you cannot activate the effects of monsters Special Summoned from the Extra Deck, other than “Tianwei” monsters, while they are on the field.

(2) When an attack is declared involving your non-Effect Monster: You can target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy it.

Note: Sennyo refers to both a female sage or hermit (often associated with long life spans and magic) and is also a term for a Fairy/Nymph. We’re going with the Sage inference.

RIRA-JP045 Tianwei no Kijin (Tianwei Ashura)

Link 3 DARK Wyrm Link Monster

ATK 3000

Links: Top, Top Right, Bottom Right

Materials: 2+ monsters, including a Link Monster

RIRA-JP058 Ten’i Muhou no Chi (Land of the Eternal Tianwei)

Field Spell Card

(1) Non-Effect Monsters on the field are unaffected by monster effects.

(2) Once per turn, if your opponent Special Summons an Effect Monster(s), and you control a non-Effect Monster: You can draw 2 cards.

Note: This card’s name is play on 天衣無縫, which means Absolute Perfection/Completely Flawless.

RIRA-JP059 Utsuronaru Ryuurin (The Hollow Cycle of Dragons)

Normal Spell Card

You can only activate a card with this card’s name once per turn.

(1) Send 1 Wyrm monster form your Deck to the GY, then, if you control a non-Effect Monster, you can add 1 “Tianwei” monster from your Deck to your hand with a different name from the sent monster in the GY.

RIRA-JP072 Tianwei Musou no Ken (Supreme Tianwei-Style Fist)

Counter Trap Card

(1) When a monster effect, or a Spell/Trap Card, is activated, if you control a non-Effect Monster: Negate the activation.

(2) If this Set card you control is destroyed by an opponent’s effect: You can Special Summon 1 non-Effect Monster from your Extra Deck.

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